Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Crafty and obsessed...

Haha. Im crafty. Have been for a little while now. Its an addiction I'm working on. We're in step 5 of the 12 step program (juuuuust kidding, you think im quitting crafting? hahahaha.) But seriously. Here are a few things I've been making lately: (the etsy shop my quilts are featured on is docedaisy.etsy.com.)

My Purple Dandelion Quilt

My Ottoman I recovered all by myself! (I even used power tools!)

And last but not least a pillow I made for my bed to liven things up a bit.

As far as the obsessed part (well of course it references the previous subject matter as well...) Im more talking about the Yo Gabba Gabba Birthday party that just went on recently for my 2 boys. I made a TON of decorations for it, including tissue balls, a 6 foot tall arch, a stand up hill, all the party hats and even shirts for all our family! Obsessed was probably an understatement. Bah. Whatever. I had fun and I put my skills to use. and Thats all that matters. =] Heres a few pics but you can see them all here if you are interested: http://www5.snapfish.com/snapfish/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=6347081008/a=55243946_55243946/otsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=snapfish/

The AWESOME cake my Great Friend Lesley made. Look at the inside! (you can find her at www.serialcakers.com)

The outfit I made Spencer (Dj Lance Rock)

...and the bunting! Cant have a party without one!

(The ottoman is on this cute blog!)